
For Doctors

For Doctors

Ruva Wellness is working in the area of obesity and metabolic disorders since last 22 years. The organization have treated thousands of patients in the area of obesity and allied disorders. Taking into consideration the scope in this area of metabolic disorders Ruva Wellness extended its vertical to treat polycystic ovarian disease and coronary artery disease successfully.


After extensive work in the area of pharmacology and drug standardization Ruva Wellness Ayurveda has started managing Arthritis in a different manner.


Keeping Ayurvedic principals intact and using modern diagnostic tools obesity, PCOD, CADRM, Arthritis, Keshyam are the vertical s where Ruva Wellness is working extensively.


Looking into the scope of management organization thought to extend its hands through other colleges working in this area. Thus an idea of franchising this management came forward and a unique franchisee model was developed.


The franchisee model of Ruva Wellness was developed to create a Win  situation where the organization can complete its aim to cater Ayurveda scientifically , the associated doctors can get a proper SOP and updated knowledge to cater their patients giving proper results and ultimately the patient’s will be highly benefited by getting standardized treatments from the experts.


Ruva Wellness extensively supports the team of our associated doctors to make our management available to the society.


Organization also provides printed notes to the associated doctors along with in hand trainings.


A strong marketing support is extended to the franchisee which enables the associate doctor to propagate their center by arranging camps.


Research labs and library along with stay facility is made available for the associate doctors if they are interested in further research in this particular area.


The franchisee model is much beyond the standard franchisee models which has main aim in giving the service to mankind, increasing the scope of Ayurveda along with business.

Online/Offline Training

  • Instrument Handling
  • Testing Application
  • Formulation Development
  • Ayurvedic Dosage Form
  • Pathological Testing
  • Biochemistry of Blood
  • Immunology
  • Hormones
  • Phytochemistry if plants
  • Raw Material & finish Product Standardization

Certification programmed

  1. One year diploma course in Ayurveda Dietetics
    • Concept of Agni and it’s critical view through bio chemical approach
    • Concept of AMA
    • Importance of Shadarasa and its bio chemical interpretation.
    • Pharmacology of shadrasa and its tissue receptors.
    • Interpretation and pharmacology of Karma. Eg How lekhan, Deepan, Pachan, Hrudya, medicines work at a molecular level.
    • Free radical theory, lipid per oxidation and its roots in Ayurved.
    • Antioxidants of Ayurved origin and its role in disease prevention and cure.
    • Pharmacalogy of Rasayan medicine and cellular level.
    • Pharmacology of Adraya Chikitsa For Eg. biochemical and molecular impacts of Langhan
    • Phytochemical in Ayurved medicines.
    • Pharmacology of sterols and steroids present in Ayurved medicinal herbs.
    • Pharmacology of Alkaloids
    • Pharmacology of Tannins.
    • Pharmacology of Flavonoids and Flavones.
    • Pharmacology of Individual herbs.
    • Guggul
    • Aloe
    • Shatavari
    • Arjun
    • Yeshtimadhu etc.

2. One year Certified Course in Panchakarma Therapies

Training & research center

Introduction : Ayurved’, a well acclaimed Indian Medical Science, is closely knit with day to day lives of millions of Indians. In true sense it is a life style rather than a plain medical science. Ayurved is getting recognized throughout the world. Many of the countries are seeking knowledge form this Indian ancient medical science. Ayurved is gaining much popularity among the western and Middle East countries.


Many of the medical professionals are keenly interested to acquire knowledge from this medical science. These countries need knowledge with a scientific statistical data. It is now a responsibility of each and every Ayurvedic professional, student and academic person that they must work on scientific grounds, take help of modern research methods to prove this Indian system of medicine efficient and capable of treating metabolic disorders.


We must not be surprised that western people are showing keen interest in learning this medical science. Under this circumstances a dire need, not only in India but all over the world is felt to make people aware about life style prescribed by Ayurved and its benefits.