PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disorder) is the most common disorder seen among women and girls in India. The prevalence of PCOD is nearly 5% in the age group of 18-25 & is increasing day by day.
PCOD is a hormonal disorder which affects multiple system of the body. Obesity is linked with PCOD where a follicle in ovaries shows cyclic changes in USG study.
Most women and adolescents experience weight gain or obesity, while others may be lean. Multiple follicles (cysts) on ovaries in a “string of pearls” pattern is also an indicator for PCOD, but may not appear in all cases. Studies have shown that millions of women and adolescent girls are affected by PCOD, with less than 50% diagnosed. PCOD is responsible for 70% of infertility issues in women who have difficulty in ovulating. Teens and post-menopausal women can also suffer from PCOD. Approximately 40% of patients with diabetes between the ages of 20-50 may have PCOD. In addition, some studies have found that if a mother has PCOD, there is a 50% chance that her daughter will have PCOD. The good news is that early diagnosis and proper education can help adolescents and women lower their risk factors and live a happy, healthy life.